Make your water sparkle just at home! This sparkling water maker will saturate water with carbon dioxide and this will turn into sparkling one immediately.
SPARKLING WATER JUST AT ONE TOUCHAll you have to do is insert the reusable 1 l bottle supplied with the machine and press the button. The machine will instantly saturate the water with carbon dioxide and this will sparkle. The more you press the button, the more carbon dioxide will be in the water.
ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY SOLUTIONThe sparkling water maker SodaStream “Spirit” is an environmental friendly alternative to sparkling water in plastic bottles.
ONE OF THE BEST IN ITS CATEGORYIt was tested with other sparkling water makers on the Norwegian TV channel TV2 and was announced as the best.
STYLISH DESIGNThis sparkling water maker has a modern design and an elegant look. In 2017, it was awarded with the prestigious Red Dot Design Award.
THE START PACKAGE INCLUDES EVERYTHING YOU NEEDThe set includes a reusable 1 l bottle and 1 carbon dioxide capsule for making 60 liter of sparkling water.
1 l
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